Single-Ply Roofing Rockford, MI

Searching for single-ply roofing specialists that you can depend on in Rockford, MI? Empire Contractors has a deep background in commercial roofing, and have repaired, replaced, and restored many kinds of single-ply roofing systems. For help from roofing specialists at the top of their field, give us a call at (231)-861-7221.

About Single-Ply Roofing

Everyone wants a roof that lasts longer, looks nice, and isn’t ridiculously expensive. Single-ply roofing systems can last a good deal of time when they are maintained by an experienced team like the one at Empire Contractors. Single-ply roofing systems like TPO and PVC can lead to paying a lot less on energy costs because of their reflectivity!

Empire Contractors has long been one of the most reliable roofing companies in Michigan. We let the quality of our work speak for itself and get many new clients through recommendations from our former clients! We’ve been around for decades and don’t plan on going anywhere, so we will be ready to help you out with your roof now as well as years down the line!

Roof Coatings

If you have had single-ply roofing systems for long enough, you should be familiar with roof coatings. This roof restoration solution works exceptionally well on TPO, PVC, and other types of single-ply roofing systems. Empire Contractors has a history of restoring roofs so that they are more durable, have fewer problems, and are more reflective. The latter leads to a more energy efficient commercial building and can make for significant savings on energy costs!

Why Empire Contractors?

Before hiring a commercial roofing company, there are definitely several things worth considering. How long has the company been in business? What do their reviews look like? What services do they offer? With Empire Contractors, you’ll find that we hold a great reputation from our many years in business. We’re a team that offers exceptional craftsmanship at low prices!

Call Us Today!

Empire Contractors is ready to assist more people in Rockford, MI with their commercial roofing requirements. Our team offers a range of single-ply roofing services and will sort out the best solution for your specific roof. To get an estimate on your roof, you can reach us at (231)-861-7221.