Single-Ply Roofing Portage, MI

Single-ply roofing specialists who always go above and beyond to deliver can be difficult to come by. Luckily, the people of portage, MI always have Empire Contractors to turn to for any kind of single-ply roofing project. If you would like to start by setting up a roof inspection and receive some free consultation, give us a call today at (231) 861-7221.

Roof Inspections

Single-ply roofing systems will last much longer when they are inspected and cared for in a timely manner by a qualified team. Empire Contractors is a roofing company that will continue to provide the very best roofing services for the people of Michigan. Scheduling roof inspections from our experts will allow you to instantly detect problems and stop them from getting worse!

Roof Restoration

Single-ply roofing is capable of being fully restored with roof coatings! At Empire Contractors, our roofing specialists have shown their ability to improve the condition of single-ply roofing systems with seamless roof coatings and get the roof back to its working condition without any expensive unnecessary replacements! To find out how much it would cost to have your roof restored, just give us a call today!

About Single-Ply Roofing

There are many types of single-ply roofing that are commonly used on commercial buildings, including EPDM, TPO, and PVC. The versatile roofing specialists at Empire Contractors work with all sorts of single-ply roofing. If your building needs a new roof system installed, we can let you know what the pros and cons of each kind of single-ply roofing so you can always make the best and most informed decision for your building!

Cost-Effective Solutions

Pricing is always a factor when deciding which roofing company to hire. Here at Empire Contractors, we are great at finding cost-effective and budget-friendly roof solutions. On top of great prices, the quality of our craftsmanship helps set our company apart!

Call Us Today!

Empire Contractors is the leading choice for the people of Portage, MI! Our skilled craftsmen have been providing quality single-ply roofing services for years. Our company is ready to help others with their single-ply roofing needs — just call us at (231) 861-7221 to get an estimate on the project!