Single-Ply Roofing – Marshall, MI

Single-ply roofs are a unique roofing type that require a contractor with extensive experience to properly maintain and install. If you are in Marshall, MI, and you are looking for single-ply roofing experts, the team at Empire Contractors is your top option. Our crew has a stellar track record, and we offer a wide range of commercial roofing services. Call us today at 231-861-7221!

About Single-Ply Roofing

Our crew has been working with single-ply roofing systems for many years. We are used to solving problems that are common for single-ply roofing systems, including seam separation or cracks, holes, and punctures in the membrane. These roof systems can last a long time, especially with a reliable company to install and maintain them!

Our Services

Our commercial roofing specialists offer many different single-ply roofing services. This includes repairs, coatings, and replacements. No matter how large or small your project is, you can count on us for top-quality solutions. Come see for yourself why so many in Michigan choose us!

Single-Ply Roofing Types

There are a few common types of single-ply roofing that are used on commercial buildings.

EPDM, otherwise known as rubber roofing, is a cost-effective material that is rolled out in wide strips to protect a building with minimal seams.

TPO is a newer single-ply roofing type that has quickly become popular for its durability and ability to lower a building’s utility costs.

Finally, PVC is often used on buildings that emit fumes, since this material is particularly resistant to chemicals.

About Our Company

Our crew of proven roofers has many years of experience and professional training. Our team cares deeply about our work and our clients. We want every customer to have a roof that will protect them for many years to come.

Our technicians are dedicated to providing top-quality work. They are passionate about providing the solutions you need! Our customers across the region appreciate our team’s professionalism and open lines of communication.

Call Us Today

If you are considering a single-ply roofing project for your building in Marshall, MI, Empire Contractors is your top option. Our craftsmen have decades of experience working with this roofing type. They are more than prepared to handle your needs! Call us today at 231-861-7221 to schedule your inspection. We look forward to partnering with you.