Expert Commercial Roofing Contractor – Grand Rapids, MI

Commercial Roofing Contractor1

If you are looking for an expert commercial roofing contractor for your next project in Grand Rapids, MI, you should choose the reliable team at Empire Contractors. We continue to deliver high-quality solutions for our clients, and we can solve any issue your roof may have encountered. To talk to our experts, or to request an estimate, call us now at 231-861-7221!

Experienced Contractor

We provide top-notch services that will protect your building, ensuring your roof is free of leaks. Whether it’s general repairs or a coating, we can improve your roof’s condition. We want to ensure it lasts as long as possible!

Trained Craftsmen

When you are looking for a contractor, it’s important to consider their experience in the industry. You want your team to have the skills and experience necessary to perform the job correctly. Thankfully, our highly-trained crew is here to help you. We stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and developments in the industry to bring you the best solutions possible.


Commercial Roofing Contractor

We specialize in applying coatings to your roof, because we understand how beneficial they can be. Compared to a complete replacement, a coating is a cost-effective solution that won’t disrupt your business operations. If you are interested in our restoration services, our crew can perform an inspection to determine if your roof would be a good candidate.

Leak Detection

Finding the cause of leaks on your roof can be quite a challenging task. Thankfully our thorough roof leak detection services will ensure we promptly find and repair any leaks you may have. This will help you save time and money in the future by preventing water damage and costly repairs. See for yourself why so many building owners in the region continue to choose us!

Call Us Today

If you are looking for a reliable contractor in Grand Rapids, MI, you can trust the crew at Empire Contractors. Property owners in the area rely on us for transparency, fair prices, and top-quality work. You can count on our team to provide the solutions you need. To get started, call us today at 231-861-7221! We look forward to partnering with you.